Specialist areas

Film & Multimedia Film & Photography

Julian Love - Photography and Film

I'm a photographer and film maker based in Bath and shooting internationally for global brands including Canon, Samsung, Unilever, Reckitt, GSK, Four Seasons, Hilton, Club Med and many, many more. I love photography and film, and I love people. When I get to combine both I’m in my element, finding those little moments that tell a story in single beautiful frame.
I also regularly shoot personal projects. In Handmade London I photographed artisans in their workshops around the city, focusing on people who still made things the traditional way. The project went on to win a Gold award in Creative Review. For The Europeans I shot 100 citizens of other EU countries who were living in London. CreativePool recognised it with their Silver award for photography. Other projects have been recognised in the Association of Photographers awards and the Production Paradise Spotlight awards.

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Specialist areas
Film & Multimedia