Jukebox Mash up - Live request show
11th April 25
Location: Rondo Theatre, Bath
Cost: £12

The Jukebox Mashup is a comedy request show based entirely on audience generated requests. It's totally live, very silly, great fun and gets everyone involved.
The audience can ask for *any* song in the world and Craig will play and sing it on guitar. No rehearsal. No looking up chords. Instantly! Then the magic starts to happen. Craig will begin to 'mashup' three or four songs at the same time to make an epic improvised tune. As more audience requests pour in, more epic mashups are created!
This fast-paced evening will cover 30-60 songs per show from all genres and artists chosen entirely by the audience. If for any reason Craig doesn't know the song, it's made up on the spot based on the title! It's very funny and brilliantly talented. Come along, get involved and watch the musical madness unfold.
What would you request?
Get involved, have a laugh.
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