M J Holland - 'Composite' exhibition

27th September 24
Location: Old Bank Gallery
Cost: FREE


M J Holland - 'Composite' exhibition
Old Bank Gallery opens its doors for the first time this Autumn. This former bank will host a series of pop up exhibitions featuring artists and makers from across the South West. The series commences with a visual feast of colour, texture and compositional play from Bristol artist M J Holland. His exhibition ‘Composite’ showcases a series of paintings from his current practice exploring the theme of memory and its relationship with the present. Michael uses discarded remnants in his painting process, as off cuts, negatives from industrial manufacturing and collected oddments are placed as building blocks within the painted surface. Speaking about his upcoming exhibition the artist said: “The finished paintings are each comprised of multiple canvases that hint at a narrative: A new exaggerated truth, on the one hand a representation and on the other an archetype. Something familiar and timeless.” Michael has paintings in the Standard Chartered bank’s contemporary art collection as well as being a finalist for the Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize and has had work selected for exhibitions at the RWA. ‘Composite’ opens from the 27th September to 27th October at Old Bank Gallery pop up, 17 London Road, Bath, BA1 6AD. Tues – Sun 10am-6pm A Private view for the exhibition takes place on Thursday 26th September from 5-9pm. Artist website- www.michaeljamesholland.com

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